DIY- Party Package

DIY- Party Package

    • $189.00
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The Bronze Maiden is a DIY party package for those that like to do things themselves. You bring your own decorations and set the party room up how you would like. This package comes with one hour of play first then half  hour in the party room (Hour upon request). Each child recieves a $5 play card. Includes up to 10 kids. MORE THAN 10 Kids? No problem, each additional child is $8.00. Adults are free. *Play First, then Birthday Party room for last hour.  Kids are NOT allowed back in bounce houses/play structure after hour of play is over. They may finish up any games cards and redeption with the presence of an adult.


*For the DYI party packing you have access to the room 30 min before party time to setup/decorate. There are two 6ft picnic tables, 1 8ft food/present table, and tacs for your use (no tape on walls please).

*You're welcome to bring food and drinks of your choice (no open cups)

*Socks are required (please remind your guests)

* We do NOT supply food*- If you bring any food besides cake, please bring paper good to go with it.

Pizza Warmer is available for use (Holds 6 small pizzas like little ceasers or Dominos). Maple Angus offers pizza (Next door)


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